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Cheat sheat – the usual printing procedure

  1. Introduction – before you start using the printer
  2. Unpacking and installing the printer
  3. Getting to know the TRILAB AzteQ printer
  4. First printing with your AzteQ printer
  5. Cheat sheat – the usual printing procedure
  6. How to use the DeltaControl display and application
  7. How to use the WebControl online interface
  8. Printer self-installation
  9. Service tasks on the printer
  1. Use the rocker switch to turn on the printer.
  2. Turn on the DeltaControl display if it is off.
  3. Wait for the status indicator to turn white.
  4. Launch the DeltaControl application and establish a connection with the printer.
  5. Load the printing data from a USB flash drive or via the WebControl interface.
  6. Load the filament into the printer using the LOAD FILAMENT command.
  7. Cool the print head to 150°C once the macro command is completed.
  8. Degrease the PrintPad.
  9. Use the DeltaControl display or the WebControl interface to start printing.
  10. If needed, adjust the first layer height.
  11. Let the print head cool down after printing – white status indicator.